So this is how it ends A dozen folks gathered round your gravesite Watching as your body descends to the ground Wrapped in a shroud, placed in a box Meeting the cold, hard earth Your final sleeping spot Far from the Brooklyn basement you died in Soon to be slept in by another
So this is how we say goodbye We, your friends, companions through life Dispatchers in death We shovel earth on your unknowing personage Freeze in the revivifying air that doesn't move you Shudder to see the tractor closing the gaping chasm And in a few brief moments, close you off forever
Now where is your humor, your zest in the funny? Your questions, curiosity, insights you'd find? Where is your caring, your sharing, your warmth? Gone to warm the ground, gone to feed the worms
Your soul is I know not; what comes next, uncertain Some, they believe, and their minds are at ease To think of you voided; cancelled; erase-d This is a pain that is too great to bear
Friend, you're departed Sudden, you've left us Opened a wound; made us bereft Some call it passing More evolution Yet to us mortals it feels like a theft
December 11th, 2018 Dedicated to the memory of our friend, Shlomo Zalman Slowik, who died in his apartment November 23rd, 2018