Most pop music these days centers around two poles:
"I love you" or "I hate you (and I used to love you)." I don't know about you, but my life contains far more than these binary experiences. I want to write music to address all the other emotions and experiences that we humans encounter. We expect nuance and complexity in literature, drama, education- why should pop music be held to a lesser standard? Especially when we have classic models like the Beatles and Simon and Garfunkel to emulate (and Elliot Park for a contemporary choice). I am taking a hiatus from producing music videos to focus on career building. But worry not- I'll be back. |
Although I wanted only to put out music that was professionally recorded, I eventually decided that even home-videos were better than no-videos, and began putting up my original compositions using my very hi-tech phone and tablet!
Here is a sample of original poetry set to original melodies. |